Wednesday, August 31, 2011

You're Not A Beginner

… but you're not at an advanced fitness level either. So how do you figure out which program is perfect for you?

Meet 5 foot, 8 inches tall Robert; a stressed out, fifty year old lawyer who had ballooned to a whopping 310 lbs. after years of neglecting his health and diet. But it's not what you might think – Robert hadn't stopped exercising completely.

In fact, according to him he was living a 'semi-active' lifestyle, and it was his arthritis and overly tight muscles that were mostly to blame for his less than stellar exercise commitment.

And so it was pretty clear from Robert's current state that he wasn't going to jump right into one of the more advanced Turbulence Training programs, but he wasn't going to start from scratch either.

Robert needed a resistance program that was not only going to get rid of the fat he'd gained over the years, but do so in a way that wasn't going to aggravate his sore knees and tight muscles.

Now maybe you're not suffering from aching joints or tight muscles like our friend, Robert, but if you haven't worked out in a while, then the best workout program to begin your body transformation is the Turbulence Training Intermediate Level Workout Program.


By combining dumbbell exercises and bodyweight exercises into strategically designed supersets, TT Intermediate will quickly help you build lean muscle, burn body fat, and boost your metabolism without jeopardizing your health.

And unlike a lot of other workout programs out there, TT Intermediate workouts are fun and fast. Remember, Robert was a busy lawyer, so he didn't have 90 minutes a day to work out and do boring, useless cardio each week.

Fortunately, with these Intermediate level workouts you'll not only maximize the little amount of time you actually do spend working out, but you'll love the variety of the exercises, too!

By combining resistance training with short burst interval training exercise, Turbulence Training creates a perfect storm for extreme fat loss.

Yes, despite his aching knees and obese frame, Robert was able to achieve incredible strength gains and significant weight loss in just 45 minutes a day, three times a week on this program.

So if you can spare enough time for three short workouts each week, then you can dramatically transform your body, starting today.


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