Friday, August 29, 2008

Google Fixes Gmail Emails to Blogger Issue of Unable to Send Email to Blogger or My BLog

If you are like me, you are one of millions of Google's Blogger users who email their blogs straight to their blogs via a secret Blogger emails. 
Issue: Blogger not receiving Emails from Gmail
There was an issue with blogger not receiving the emails sent from Gmail recently where Gmail was returning undeliverable mail errors.  I blogged on this last week hoping someone would know why this was happening.  Some bloggers suggested that we go Settings and resave the settings on Gmail but that did not work for me. 
So I got back to blogging the hard way.  That is using blogger's Compose form.  Unfortunately, doing so might seem regular for bloggers with one or two blogs.  But If you run many blogs like I do, you cannot update them regularly without emailing your blogs. 
Resolved: Google Fixes Gmail to Blogger Emails
So I stayed off from emailing my blogs for a few days.  Yes, I did miss some posts as I couldn't update all my blogs in a regular fashion.  Today I tested to see if the issue is still pending.  Thank god, my first email went through fine!  Just like before.  It seems Google quietly ironed out the rinkles without making a big fuss out of it.  I didn't check the Blogger's blog so I don't know if they have acknowledged the problem with Blogger not receiving emails sent from Gmail, however, that seems to be history now.  Thanks to Google's effortless work to fix problems with their system.
I hope this has not been inconvenient for you as it was for me!

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